You can read my technical blog here: Michael Holloway’s Tech Blog, though, to be fair, I haven’t exactly update it since my first post!
Net-DRI, based on Net-DRI-0.96_09 by Patrick Mevzek Home Page, and on CPAN
A Perl library to access Domain Name Registries/Registrars: DRI stands for Domain Registration Interface and aims to be, for domain name registries/registrars/resellers what Perl DBI is for databases.
Simple DAS (Domain Availability Service) Client
Hash-KeyMorpher, and on CPAN
Deeply convert Hash keynames (or strings) to different naming convesions such as CamelCase, mixedCamelCase, delim_string
Net-IDN-LanguageTag attemts to automatically parse RFC5646 language tags into a Class::Accessor object and build as much information as possible.
A very basic MySQLi wrapper with some reporting tools/callbacks
chksyntax - recursive syntax checker for multiple languages
Fantasy Writing
Yes, I write fantasy too! You can read it free online on my WattPad or my Homepage